Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Map Collision and its Intricacies

I began working on map collision yesterday and made some measurable progress. I made additional progress today, and John made a new map to play around in. We realized two things. The maps we had worked with were all originally square. Thus, when we went with a map that was not square, we realized that our map was being drawn incorrectly! That is, the width of the map was being drawn as the height of the map. This resulted in a change in the calculation in drawing the map. Easy enough. Then, we had another problem. The collision deals with the x and y axis individually. When we held down the left direction, the collision would be fine, but when you pressed down as well as left, it would put you through the wall like the below picture. Eventually, you could wiggle your way outside of the map.

I figured that this would be a complex calculation in the collision logic that didn't allow for the corner tile to be checked against collision. I didn't think that was logical, but I went with it. Turns out, the problem was simple.

The collision result was being overwritten when there was more than one tile being checked. With my supreme knowledge (lol) of Boolean logic, I added a bit-wise OR operation to the collision for each check. Now it returns true for each axis if there ever was a collision, and false otherwise. So to clarify, what was happening was in the first iterations of the loop, there was a collision, but in later iterations there was no collision, which overwrote the fact that there was a collision with a previous tile. This solved the problem with the way our collision logic currently works.

You'll also notice that there is a little white box. That is its collision box. That means that we do not collide with its upper body when it comes to walking. In the words of John, our  perspective is all kinds of messed up. But we'll let that go for now. An example is below:

We are in crunch time with getting the remainder of the functionality working. We still need combat, and we're going to be shrinking the tiles. We'll be working hard before any further updates. Until then!

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